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Forgetful People, Faithful God: A Study on Judges (WBC)

The book of Judges continues the story of Israel after the death of Joshua. Having been given land and a law to follow by God, the people of Israel quickly descend into corruption and failure to live out their calling....

Forgetful people, Faithful God: A Study on Judges (MBC)

The book of Judges continues the story of Israel after the death of Joshua. Having been given land and a law to follow by God, the people of Israel quickly descend into corruption and failure to live out their calling....

Every Good Promise Fulfilled: A Study of Joshua (WBC)

The study of Joshua reveals a God who surely keeps his promises, giving His people every reason to live faithful only to Him.

Every Good Promise Fulfilled: A Study of Joshua (MBC)

The study of Joshua reveals a God who surely keeps his promises, giving His people every reason to live faithful only to Him.

Grace & Peace: A Study of Philippians, Colossians & Philemon (WBC)

Continuing in Paul’s letters, this semester we look at Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.

Grace & Peace: A Study of Philippians, Colossians & Philemon (MBC)

Continuing in Paul’s letters, this semester we look at Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.

Grace & Peace: A Study of Galatians & Ephesians (WBC)

This Semester we begin part 1 on a study of the Pauline Epistles. In this 10 week class we walk through the books of Galatians and Ephesians.

Grace & Peace: A Study of Galatians & Ephesians (MBC)

This Semester we begin part 1 on a study of the Pauline Epistles. In this 10 week class we walk through the books of Galatians and Ephesians.

Men's Bible Class - Exodus Part 2

Women's Bible Class - Exodus Part 2

Women's Bible Class - Exodus Part 1

Men's Bible Class - Exodus Part 1