Filter search: "Sermon"

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Friend of Sinners

Jesus was often called a "friend of sinners" by those who wanted to rebuke Him. For the believer, it is good news that Jesus is a friend of sinners, because we are all sinners in need of His redemption and...



The aim of this letter, written by James the brother of Jesus, is to help Christ followers learn wholeness through the wisdom of Jesus.

Advent 2023

Advent: The Coming of Christ

In Christ

A series examining true union and communion with Jesus.


Advent 2022

Advent, meaning “the arrival of Christ," offers us the opportunity to step into both the hope and longing of the Israelites of the Old Testament. As they anticipated the coming Messiah, they waited eagerly for the One who would make...


The primary context for discipleship and Christian formation is through the Church. That is why committing and belonging to a local body of believers is important.

Stand-Alone Sermons

Multiple times a year we will step out of a series to teach on something more topical. You will find a number of sermons on a variety of topics under this series.

Wisdom & Wonder

How do we live in God’s world in God's way? How can someone be a part of the world’s solution and not contribute to its problems? "Seek wisdom" is God's answer to that question. This series explores what it means...

Advent 2021


A collection of sermons centered around the book of Psalms.