Womens Bible Class

Week 4: True Israel

February 15, 2022

Chapter 9 in Romans begins woith a grief over Israel's unbelief, and ends with a reverant worship for God's mercy and the free gift of grace he extends to the elect.

Other Womens Bible Class Teachings


Week 10: Grace & Peace (Philemon)

April 16, 2024
The letter to Philemon is a unique Pauline epistle, as he writes not to a church but to an individual. As Paul appeals to Philemon to forgive and receive back his runaway slave Onesimus, there’s a rich theme of grace...

Week 9: Servants of Christ (Colossians 4)

Aina Carruth
April 9, 2024
In Colossians 4, Paul finishes his instructions to the typical Roman Christian household by addressing masters. He ends his letter by asking the Colossians to pray for him, specifically requesting an open door for the gospel. He then ends his...

Week 8: Put on Christ (Colossians 3)

Kelsey Hency
April 2, 2024
As those who have been raised with Christ, Paul outlines what a Christian is to “put off” and “put on.” Colossians 3 begins with an exhortation to set their minds on things above, put to death what is earthly, and...